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All coaches and tack-up coaches, please fill out the survey to help us decide on 2024 year end awards. You can leave them blank if you don't have any students to nominate. Please read the instructions for each award to see the qualifications/description of the award.
Note: we may have multiple recipients for each award (one each level and/or runner-ups) depending on how many names are submitted. Students will vote on the favorite horse, best teacher, rate their coaches and students will also be able to submit nominations for the barn ambassador.
Please fill out by Sunday June 23rd
Indicates required field
Your Name
Best Teacher Award
Who is the horse(s) you think deserves recognition for teaching students to be better riders and better people? Might be a challenging horse and not everyone's favourite, but is a good teacher. Please say why!
Most Improved Student
Please select your most improved student from the start of the year (fall session) to the end of spring session? Why do they deserve recognition for their improvement. If you have students in different levels that deserve this award please list them all and their skill level (i.e. intro student, novice student, intermediate student, advanced student)
Top Equestrian
Please select a student that (for their skill level) is doing extremely well in terms of the skill level as a rider, ability to ride difficult horses and follow instructions. If you have students in different skill levels that you think deserve this adward, please list them all (i.e., intro student, novice student, intermediate student, advanced student)
Sagehill Barn Ambassador
Do you have a student(s) you'd like to nominate for the barn ambassador award? A student who takes time to help others, help the horses and is just a great person to have around the barn? Please give your reason(s) why.
Horse Whisperer
Do you have a student that should be recognized for their care and concern for the horses wellbeing? Explain why they should get the award.
Rookie of the Year
For outstanding Intro or Post-Intro students that you feel deserve recognition for their riding, behavior, empathy and all round equestrian attitude and love for horses
About Us
The Coaches
The Sagehill Team
The Horses
Advertising & Sponsorship
The Facility
Health & Safety
Concussion Guidelines
Accident Procedures for Students and Horses
Photo Gallery
Lesson Programs
List of Lesson Services
Weekly Lesson Programs
Discounted Introductory Riding Program
Equestrian Development Program (EDP)
Skill Levels
Equine Canada Level Testing
Client Appreciation
Parent & Me Program
From the Ground Up
Activities for Kids Ages 0 to 8
Drop-In Lessons
Student Resources
Horse Leases
Coach Mentorship Program
Show Team
Off-Property Lessons & Coaching
Drill Team
Register Today
Birthday Parties
Day Camps
Other Services & Events
Holiday Specials
Holiday Parties
Women's Workshops
Team & Leadership Workshops
Spirit Horse Project
3 Sisters
Horse Care for Rural Communities
Group Tours
Healing Beyond Words
Facility Rentals
Horse Sales