Jump Into Spring Schooling Show

2024_jump_into_spring_schooling_show_schedule.pdf |
All Sagehill Equestrian Development Program students are welcome to join us for a fun filled day of competition! This event is the perfect way to test out all you've learned during your lessons in safe and supportive environment. No previous showing experience necessary.
Classes will start at 9am and schedule will depend on entries received. Final schedule will be sent out by Thursday, May 9th. Horses will be assigned to riders on a first-come-first-serve basis so get your entries in ASAP! Students may be assigned different horses for different classes. Ribbons and prizes will be awarded to ALL competitors!
If you are a lesson student who needs to use a Sagehill lesson horse please purchase a "Lesson Student" ticket ($175+GST). If you are a boarder who wants to compete on your own horse please purchase a "Boarder" ticket ($125+GST). Leasers should also purchase a "Lesson Student" ticket.
Important notes:
- Entries close Tuesday, May 7th at 4:00pm (late entries will not be accepted)
- Entry fees are non-refundable
Pick one of the Show Options below and then select the options:
1. Hunter Jumper x rails and up:
1 over fences classes (note heights will be determined by coaches), group equitation, group hunter under saddle, and 1 fun event (please choose)
2. Hunter Jumper x rails and up with dressage:
1 over fences class (note heights will be determined by coaches), one dressage test, 1 group flat (please choose), 1 fun event (please choose)
3. Flat English or Western (all classes can be done in English OR Western Tack):
will include ground poles/log pattern, group equitation (please choose), dressage or ranch riding pattern (please choose), and 1 fun class (please choose)
*Flat English or Western is recommend for any post-into to intermediate-novice level students that have not done a x-rails course before and those riding Western*
Group Flat Classes:
• Hunter Under Saddle (groups of 4 to 6 students in the ring at one time, judged on the horse’s movement in the ring): Levels post-intro/novice, novice intermediate to intermediate, intermediate to advanced
• Equitation (groups of 4 to 6 students in the ring at one time, judged on the rider’s position and ability to control their horse): Levels post-intro/novice, novice-intermediate to intermediate, intermediate to advanced
Dressage Patterns:
• USDF Introductory Level A (walk-trot):
• USDF Training Level A (walk-trot-canter):
Western Ranch Patterns:
• Ranch riding pattern (walk-jog-lope): https://silverheelsridingclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/WTC-Ranch.jpg
• Ranch riding pattern walk-jog:
Fun Classes:
• Barrels
• Costume (note: no riding)
• Egg and Spoon
Classes will start at 9am and schedule will depend on entries received. Final schedule will be sent out by Thursday, May 9th. Horses will be assigned to riders on a first-come-first-serve basis so get your entries in ASAP! Students may be assigned different horses for different classes. Ribbons and prizes will be awarded to ALL competitors!
If you are a lesson student who needs to use a Sagehill lesson horse please purchase a "Lesson Student" ticket ($175+GST). If you are a boarder who wants to compete on your own horse please purchase a "Boarder" ticket ($125+GST). Leasers should also purchase a "Lesson Student" ticket.
Important notes:
- Entries close Tuesday, May 7th at 4:00pm (late entries will not be accepted)
- Entry fees are non-refundable
Pick one of the Show Options below and then select the options:
1. Hunter Jumper x rails and up:
1 over fences classes (note heights will be determined by coaches), group equitation, group hunter under saddle, and 1 fun event (please choose)
2. Hunter Jumper x rails and up with dressage:
1 over fences class (note heights will be determined by coaches), one dressage test, 1 group flat (please choose), 1 fun event (please choose)
3. Flat English or Western (all classes can be done in English OR Western Tack):
will include ground poles/log pattern, group equitation (please choose), dressage or ranch riding pattern (please choose), and 1 fun class (please choose)
*Flat English or Western is recommend for any post-into to intermediate-novice level students that have not done a x-rails course before and those riding Western*
Group Flat Classes:
• Hunter Under Saddle (groups of 4 to 6 students in the ring at one time, judged on the horse’s movement in the ring): Levels post-intro/novice, novice intermediate to intermediate, intermediate to advanced
• Equitation (groups of 4 to 6 students in the ring at one time, judged on the rider’s position and ability to control their horse): Levels post-intro/novice, novice-intermediate to intermediate, intermediate to advanced
Dressage Patterns:
• USDF Introductory Level A (walk-trot):
• USDF Training Level A (walk-trot-canter):
Western Ranch Patterns:
• Ranch riding pattern (walk-jog-lope): https://silverheelsridingclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/WTC-Ranch.jpg
• Ranch riding pattern walk-jog:
Fun Classes:
• Barrels
• Costume (note: no riding)
• Egg and Spoon